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Ryda Simon



A CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) course is a vital component of web development education, focusing on the styling and presentation aspects of websites. In web development, CSS serves as the styling language that complements HTML, allowing developers to control the layout, colors, fonts, and overall visual aesthetics of a web page. In a CSS course, participants delve into the syntax, selectors, properties, and values used to apply styles to HTML elements. The curriculum typically covers topics such as box model, positioning, responsive design, and the use of frameworks like Bootstrap. Through hands-on exercises and projects, participants gain proficiency in creating visually appealing and responsive web pages. As part of a holistic web development curriculum, a CSS course complements HTML and JavaScript, providing the skills necessary to craft engaging and user-friendly websites.

Course Curriculum

Chapter 1

  • Changing font type, color, and size
  • Quiz

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

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